Changemaker (noun) – A term coined by the social entrepreneurship organization, Ashoka, meaning one who desires change in the world and, by gathering knowledge and resources, makes that change happen. – What is a Changemaker?
We do not own companies, or own houses. We do not serve as elected officials. Most of us cannot even vote yet. But we go to schools, and schools use energy and water and create waste. We think through our schools we can make a difference.

Most of the world realizes that climate change is a problem. It causes massive flooding, droughts, loss of crops, the spread of diseases and more. But here is the thing — despite widespread concern about global warming, greenhouse gas emissions are still rising, and the warming of the planet is happening faster than anyone expected. Instead of putting the brakes on emissions, society’s foot has been on the accelerator. Adults are trying to solve the problem, but they just aren’t acting fast enough.
It is our generation who will suffer the full brunt of global warming and climate disruption. Let’s start making an impact now. You can start where you spend most of your time… your school.
Making change is not easy, but the need for it is urgent.